The Complete University Guide has published its annual findings on Britain’s best universities for studying a wide range of subjects – including music

By Steve Wright

Published: Friday, 09 June 2023 at 12:00 am

The Complete University Guide has published its annual findings on Britain’s best universities for studying a wide range of subjects – including music.

The survey arrives at its findings via a variety of metrics including entry standards, student satisfaction, research quality, and graduate prospects.

According to the Guide’s findings, the 20 best UK universities for studying music are:

1 University of Cambridge

2 University of Oxford

3 University of Southampton

4 University of Manchester

5 University of Sheffield

6 Durham University

7 University of Leeds

8 Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London

9 Royal Holloway, University of London

10 Kings College, London

11 University of Birmingham

12 University of Surrey, Guildford

13 University of Bristol

14 Royal Northern College of Music, Manchester

15 University of York

16 University of Edinburgh

17 Royal Academy of Music, London

18 Bangor University

19 Queen’s University, Belfast

20 University of Glasgow

Among other specialist music colleges, Trinity Laban came in at 24 in the list of 83 universities and colleges. The Royal College of Music (25, pictured top) and Royal Conservatoire of Scotland (26) were close behind.